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MAC Series Dump Trailers
Mac Aluminum End Dump Trailers For Sale
MAC End Dump Trailers For Sale & Lease. Rock & Dirt the source for MAC End Dump Trailers for sale & lease since 1950.
The MAC series of Dump Trailers and Straight bodies offer four design configurations. We offer frameless and frame type trailers that are engineered and manufactured to meet your rigorous hauling demands. Whether you are hauling, rock, sand, gravel, asphalt, scrap, salt, construction materials, agricultural products and everything else in between, MAC stands ready to be tested!
Used Mac Trailers For Sale
MAC TRADITIONAL – The original fully welded “Sheet & Post” square design is rugged, time tested, a proven mainstay and is a recognized leader in the dump industry.
MAC “MVP” MACLOCK® SMOOTH SIDE – incorporates the unique technology of a distinctive structural snap together side panel that represents the alliance of innovation, engineering and construction by utilizing extruded 6061 T-6 aluminum hollow core, multiple void side panels having full welds on the interior joint and provides a weldless mirror finish exterior side wall for imaging, a design that has been built, tested and proven in Europe since the 1980’s. The aerodynamics of the “MVP” (MAC Vertical Panel) and narrow width dimension of the hollow core panels have proven to enhance fuel economy while at the same time allowing you to gain additional cubic yardage for greater payloads and increased profits. With varying thicknesses of the panel’s interior wall side, the extrusions are strategically placed based upon application, wear and weight considerations.
MACSIMIZER HALF ROUND – has proven itself to be a lightweight rugged workhorse within the MAC family of dump trailers. Designed with a radius bulkhead, that offers a low profile front end complete with a lower center of gravity. This will provide a 7” lower front end and a 6” lower backend with 31” less flat space on the bulkhead compared to the Standard flat bulkhead. To help MACsimize your load, aerodynamics, and increase fuel economy our MACsimizer Half Round has a tare weight as low as 8,900 pounds (less liner and tarp); offering the volume of a traditional square dump and will provide the benefits of how the round designed body releases the load, keeping the material centered throughout the entire dumping cycle not to mention it is the lightest materials trailer in the industry today.
MAC STEEL Allcast for mac os x. – is in a class of its own with a design and construction to meet geographic needs nationally when it comes to steel trailers. Whether you are looking for the maximum capacity maximum durability of the 90 cubic yard, AR450 “SCRAPMAC” for the brute applications, the traditional radius or half round design for heavy abrasive hauls such as but not limited to sand, gravel, and dirt, MAC Trailer offers it all.
The better we understand your needs, the better prepared we are to provide unparalleled solutions that will offer operational benefits, reduced maintenance costs and higher residual values.
Mack Dump Trailer
Contact a MAC product specialist or authorized professional dealer representative to review which MAC dump trailer or truck body will best serve your requirements.